Spooktacular Halloween Party

Spooktacular Halloween Party

There are a lot of Kids' Halloween Party Ideas floating around out there, but what you're about to see just may be the most Spooktacular Halloween Party for kids that you'll ever see!

Rachel of Fawn Parties is one of the most talented and creative gals I know, and she really outdid herself with this spooky little soirée!

Take a peek below to see the full party, but beware...it's pretty spooktacular!

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Unicorn Birthday Party Ideas

Unicorn Birthday Party Ideas

When I get asked to do a party theme that's already been done a bazillion times, I have to admit...I'm not super thrilled about it.

If you know me, I'm all about the challenges of fresh, new, "less-traveled" themes.

However, when your little niece...who just so happens to be the cutest little 9-year-old on the planet...asks for a Unicorn Party, a Unicorn Party she gets.  She's lucky she's cute!  

So, here you have it.  My attempt at creating Unicorn Birthday Party Ideas that you'll hopefully find unique + inspiring.  Enjoy!  :) 

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Salon Birthday Party - PART 2 - The Fun Stations!

Salon Birthday Party - PART 2 - The Fun Stations!

Are you ready to see the most adorable little Salon Birthday Party that there ever was?

Last week, in Part One of this party post, I showed you how we gutted our living room and set up the stations for the party.  

If you missed it, it's a must see!  Find all of the awesome pics and deets here.

Today, I'm going to show you how we moved the kids from station to station so that everyone was busy the entire time, and so they each got the full salon experience.  

Here we go!  

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Salon Birthday Party - PART 1 - The Decor

Salon Birthday Party - PART 1 - The Decor

When my niece told me she wanted a "bathroom party" for her birthday I had to hide the look of horror on my face.  "Ummmm, a what," I asked?  "Auntie Jen doesn't think she heard you right, honey."  

After a little chat with my sweet girl, I realized, thank goodness, that I absolutely did not have to come up with a party revolving around toilet paper and other unmentionables.  

What she meant to ask for was {what I have totally more appropriately named} a Salon Birthday Party.  

A party where you get your hair done and your nails painted....which usually happens in the bathroom.   Ahhhhh.  See?  A soon-to-be-8-year-old's version of a bathroom party.

Since she wanted to invite some of her boy buddies to join the fun, and they definitely wouldn't be interested in the whole salon experience, we broadened the theme a little  more, and the party officially became a "Salon & Stache Bash."

Now that, Auntie Jen can do.  :)

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