Earth Day Birthday Party

Jae of Five Whimsy Lane is my girl crush. Her design style is so fresh and whimsical, her attention to detail is impeccable, and the girl can capture a Kodak moment like no other. So, obviously, anytime she reaches out and asks me to collaborate with her on a project, the answer is a resounding HECK YES!

This Earth Day Birthday Party that I’m sharing with you today is a party that Jae styled for her friends’ little girl, featuring Earth Day Party Printables that I designed to go along with it.

I have no doubt that by the time you get to the end of this post, you’re gonna love Jae as much as I do…and you’re gonna want to be throwing your littles a party for the planet. ;)

We set the stage for the celebration with whimsical Earth Day Birthday Invitations. These adorable, double-sided invites measure 5”x7” and are available as either printable files or professionally printed physical invitations, whichever works best for you. I take care of all of the personalization for you, creating a frustration-free process and leaving you time to focus on the fun parts of planning your celebration.

Earth Day Scavenger Hunt Activity

Earth Day Scavenger Hunt - Jen T by Design
Earth Day Scavenger Hunt

Jae kicked off the fun at the party with an Earth Day Scavenger Hunt.

She fully embraced the “Reuse, Reduce, Recycle” concept by using paper/recyclable materials to create the cutest little DIY binoculars for the hunt. She painted strawberry containers for the kiddos to tuck their treasures inside, then added natural elements to customize a container for each child.

Earth Day Scavenger Hunt Cards that I designed were mounted onto cardboard “clipboards,” then given to the kiddos along with wood bark pencils, the binoculars and containers for the hunt. The kids had so much fun exploring nature and gathering goodies!

Affiliate links are included in this post, which means that as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. If you make a purchase via the Amazon links in this post (like the wood bark pencils link above) you will pay the same price you would pay by shopping directly through Amazon, but I will earn a small commission that helps keep my business running. More information can be found here. Thank you for your support! :)

Plant a Seed and Watch it Grow

Earth Day Birthday Party

Next up, it was time to get down and dirty! The kiddos gave the gift of new life to the planet by planting seeds for the future. Jae set up a planting station with dirt, garden trowels, water, biodegradable berry baskets and wildflower seeds. The seeds were nestled inside mini kraft paper bags and labeled with coordinating party tags that I designed for the occasion. Such a cute station setup and a really fun hands-on learning activity for the kids!

Feed the Birds

An oldie but goodie, making DIY Bird Feeders out of cardboard tubes is a great way to give back to the planet. The kids love spreading peanut butter on the tubes and rolling them in bird seed, but the most rewarding thing is watching the birds feed off of them. Such a cool experience that makes the kids feel so proud!

Feed the Kids

After all of the fun activities, the kids had really worked up an appetite! Jae created a fun spread of nature-related snacks for them to enjoy. How cute are those celery and apple snails?!!

Earth Day Cookies made by Creative Little Cookie and cupcakes topped with Earth Day Cupcake Toppers were the perfect birthday treat!

With full, happy bellies, it was time for the party to come to a close. The little tree huggers did a celebratory dance around a tree, then were presented with printable Earth Day Certificates for being such great caretakers of the Earth.

Jae sent the kids home with Earth Day-themed goodies tucked inside Kraft paper gift bags that she embellished with paper flowers and Personalized Earth Day Birthday Favor Tags.

Isn’t this just the cutest Earth Day Party you’ve ever seen?

Big thanks to Jae for allowing me to play a part in this adorable celebration. It’s always so much fun to see my designs come to life in her parties!

Click on the Images Below to Shop this Party

Jae’s Earth Day Party was so amazing that it was featured in the Spring 2018 issue of Mingle Magazine! If you’d like to have a print copy, you can order one here.

If you like these ideas, please "Like," "Pin," "Share" or "Tweet!"  Or, you can just shout it from the rooftops, if that's your thing.  Thanks bunches!!!  :) 

"Too Cute to Spook" Kids Halloween Party

"Too Cute to Spook" Kids Halloween Party

Halloween is such an exciting holiday for little ghouls and goblins! Visits to the pumpkin patch, carving pumpkins, dressing up in costumes, candy…there’s so much fun to be had!

Halloween can be a little scary, though, especially for the younger kiddos. I recently styled a “Too Cute to Spook” Party for Oriental Trading Company that celebrates all of the spooktacular things that Halloween has to offer…minus the fright. It’s the perfect celebration for all of the little ones that are too cute to spook!

I created this super cute kids Halloween party invitation for our “spookless” soiree, and it’s available as a free download that you can use, too!

The printable invitation can be customized with your own party details prior to printing; simply download the invite, click in the text boxes to enter your info, save to your computer, then print! So easy and so very cute!

Download the free “Too Cute to Spook” Kids Halloween Party Invitations here.

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Monster Mingle: A Fun Monster Halloween Party Idea

Monster Mingle:  A Fun Monster Halloween Party Idea

Halloween is definitely looking different this year, but we’re determined not to let the most spooktacular holiday of the year lose it’s luster! With social distancing in mind, I teamed up with Oriental Trading to create a Halloween Monster Party Idea that can be set up as either an intimate celebration for your kiddos, a Trick-or-Treat Dinner Party, or a low-contact trick-or-treat stop in your driveway. We named this fun fête a Monster Mingle, and we think that your little ghouls and goblins are going to love it!

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"Bad to the Bone" 80s-Inspired Halloween Party

"Bad to the Bone" 80s-Inspired Halloween Party

Bust out the Aqua Net, shoulder pads, and jelly shoes…we’re bringing the 80s back, baby!

This “Bad to the Bone” 80s-Inspired Halloween Party was so much fun to plan! Bright colors and abstract art elements + skeletons and pumpkins = an 80s Halloween Party that is totally rad…and bad…to the bone. ;)

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Woodland Tribal Wild and Three Birthday Party

Woodland Tribal Wild and Three Birthday Party

You guys asked for more birthday party ideas for boys, and I heard ya!  Say hello to our newest boy theme, a Woodland Tribal Wild and Three Birthday Party.  :)

I was walking through Target one day and saw this plush bear hanging in the kids' bedding/room decor department.  So un"bear"ably cute, right?!!  The little guy was too adorable to pass up, so into my cart he went.  I drove home thinking about how I could incorporate him into a party, trying to see if I could build something around what is currently trending.  I have a "Wild and Three" party invitation for girls that is super popular, so I thought it might be cool to give that theme a woodland tribal spin for the boys.  A few hours later, this fun little Wild and Three Woodland Tribal invitation was born, and the party planning began!

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"Stay Golden" St. Patrick's Day Party

"Stay Golden" St. Patrick's Day Party

If you wanna show your friends that their friendship is like pure gold, there's no better way than with a "Stay Golden" St. Patrick's Day Party!

This adorable celebration was designed by my gal pal, Annaliese of Made and Sugar and Spice, and I was super excited to design some fun goodies to go along with it.  :)

This party is for sure the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow...take a peek below to see for yourself!  

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Winter ONEderland Polar Bear Party

Winter ONEderland Polar Bear Party

Oh. My. Goodness!  If my babies were littles again, this is the birthday party I would throw them for their first birthday.  Y'all, I can't even begin to tell you how in love I am with this Winter ONEderland Polar Bear Party.  It just may be my new favorite!

Brace yourselves, you're about to witness one of the cutest first birthday parties ever!!!

It all started with this adorable little polar bear invitation that I designed.  I fell kinda in love with that cuddly little dude right from the beginning.  

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Llama Deck the Halls: Kids Ornament Decorating Party

Llama Deck the Halls:  Kids Ornament Decorating Party

Deck the halls with super cute ornaments, fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, LLAMA!

You guys, this may just be my new fave theme:  Llama Deck the Halls, A Kids Ornament Decorating Party!  

It takes the classic kids' ornament party to a whole new level with fun little llamas that are so on trend right now.

This entire party is just so cute I could spit!  ;)

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A Bat Halloween Party and a BIG Giveaway!!!

A Bat Halloween Party and a BIG Giveaway!!!

Hey guys!  How did you like all of that amazing Halloween inspiration in the blog hop yesterday?  Weren't those Trunk or Treat ideas so much fun?!!  If you missed it, you can catch up here.

Now, buckle up, because we're at it again today with yet another Halloween Blog Hop...

...and an incredible giveaway! 

I promise ya, you do not wanna miss this, so scroll down and let's get this party started!

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Trunk or Treat Decorating Idea: A No Tricks, Just Treats Halloween

Trunk or Treat Decorating Idea:  A No Tricks, Just Treats Halloween

Hey y'all!!!  The most spooktacular time of year is upon us, and I'm crazy excited!  It's so much fun to come up with cool costume ideas and creative ways to celebrate!  

This year we're trying something new for Halloween...Trunk or Treating! 

The Trunk or Treat trend has taken Halloween by storm, and folks are goin' all out decorating their cars for the kiddos to come trick-or-treating.  

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County Fair Birthday Party: Part Two

County Fair Birthday Party: Part Two

Hey there, and welcome to part two of our County Fair Birthday Party!  If you missed part one, you missed some pretty good stuff, so you're gonna wanna check that out here.

In our last post we talked about vintage decor and old-fashioned party games, so today we're roundin' out the fun with party food and favor ideas...the good stuff, if ya ask me.  :)

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County Fair Birthday Party: Part One

County Fair Birthday Party:  Part One

Hey, y'all!  This is a special post I'm sharing with ya today.  :)

I've been holding onto it for 3 years...three years...and it's coming out of hiding for two pretty cool reasons.  

First off, I'm super excited to announce that this party has been featured in Mingle Magazine!!!  Whaaat?  Seriously, pinch me.  I'm still in shock as the words come out of my mouth!  It's my first solo feature in a National magazine, and I couldn't be more honored!

And secondly, when my gal pal Deanna of Mirabelle Creations invited me to play a part in a Fall inspiration blog hop, it just felt right that this would be the post that I shared.  

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"Adventure Awaits" Back to School Party

"Adventure Awaits" Back to School Party

Well, I guess if summer's gotta come to and end, it might as well go out with a bang, right?

My gal pal Annaliese, the glitter queen behind Made of Sugar and Spice, came up with the cutest spin on a Back to School Adventure Awaits theme!  

When she contacted me to create the printables to go along with it, I was alllll in!  You know I love me some unique twists on party ideas!

Take a peek below for all of the details for the sweetest little Back to School Party you ever did see!  :)

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Tutti Frutti Party Favors

Tutti Frutti Party Favors

Everyone knows that a Tutti Frutti Party is just wayyyyy too sweet to not have some juicy party favors to go along with it, so as promised, here are some super adorable Tutti Frutti Party Favors that will be the cherry on top of your celebration!  (If you missed our Tutti Frutti Party Ideas, be sure to check them out here)!

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A Fun Tutti Frutti Party for your Cutie!

A Fun Tutti Frutti Party for your Cutie!

I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to be sharing this post!

I have been wanting to style a Tutti Frutti Party for-evvvv-er, and finally got the chance!

If the cheerful, bright colors aren't enough to sell ya on this theme, just wait until you see the fruity freakshakes we incorporated into this party!  Holy awesomeness, y'all!

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A Watermelon First Birthday Party with Cricut

A Watermelon First Birthday Party with Cricut

One of the things I miss most about my kiddos being little is their birthday parties. There was something so magical about watching their little faces as they soaked in every detail of a celebration that was designed especially  for them!

Since those days are looooong gone, when Cricut contacted me to design a Watermelon First Birthday Party for them, I was all over it!  I have a Watercolor Watermelon Invitation in the shop that I've always wanted to create a party around, so this provided the perfect opportunity to check that off the list!

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Adorable Barnyard Bash

Adorable Barnyard Bash

When Bethany of Sweet Georgia Sweet asked me to design some party goodies for her cute little guy's upcoming Barnyard Bash, I couldn't mooooove fast enough to my computer to get to work!  

If you're familiar with Bethany's style, you know that it's clean, classy, and so adorable!

Her vision of gingham, green, and blue party accents, anchored by her family's bright red barn turned out to be picture-perfect!

Every detail of this party is impeccable!  Some of my faves: 

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Valentine's Day Party Idea - Owl Ya Need is Love!

Valentine's Day Party Idea - Owl Ya Need is Love!

When I saw the little ceramic owls from Oriental Trading, I knew they were the winner for this year's Valentine's Day party idea!

I'm always game for a giggle, and puns are my jam, so Owls + Valentine's Day = A super cute "Owl Ya Need Is Love" Valentine's Day party!  :)

I don't know about where you live, but here in Williamsburg, "paint parties" are all the rage.

I thought it would be fun to incorporate that trend into our theme and make it a painting party.

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Holly Jolly Cookie Decorating Party for Kids

Holly Jolly Cookie Decorating Party for Kids

HO, HO, HELLO, my friends!  Happy Holidays!!!

Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without a little cookie decorating fun, am I right?  

The delicious aroma of cookies baking in the oven, the sweet taste of frosting straight off the spatula, and, of course, popping a few candy decorations into your mouth for every one piece that makes it onto the cookies.  :)

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Boo-tiful Ball: A Perfectly Girly Halloween Boo Bash

Boo-tiful Ball: A Perfectly Girly Halloween Boo Bash

Peek-a-BOO, have I got a treat for you!!!

This Boo-tiful Ball just may be the cutest, purple-est, girlie-est Halloween Boo Bash that you every did see!  

From the splatter-painted "BOO" balloons &  impressive balloon garland to the enchanting ghost bunting dancing on the front of the table, and every incredible detail in between, this Halloween Party is off. the. chain!!!  {Just wait until you see the chair covers}!

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