DIY Tile Coasters with Cricut Permanent Vinyl

DIY Tile Coasters with Cricut Permanent Vinyl

Summer is in full swing, and I don't know about where y'all live, but here in Virginia it's been hot!  We've definitely been doing our share of summertime sippin' to keep cool, but you won't hear me complain about that.  ;)

In the spirit of sippin,' today's post is a super cute, summer-inspired project, which just so happens to be the perfect resting spot for your summer sips...DIY Tile Coasters.

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Flamingo Birthday Party Collection

Flamingo Birthday Party Collection

Today's a fun day, y'all!  I've been so excited to share this post with you that I've been about to burst for weeks!

Our brand spanking new Flamingo Birthday Party Collection is here!  

This set is adorable, you guys.  Seriously, soooo cute, and the colors are perfect for summertime!

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