DIY Halloween Sugar Scrub Gift Idea with Cricut

DIY Halloween Sugar Scrub Gift Idea with Cricut

Wanna surprise your pals, coworkers, or your kids’ teachers with a fun little Halloween treat? This DIY Halloween Sugar Scrub Gift Idea is sure to do the trick!

We all love a little pampering every now and then, so sugar scrub makes a wicked cool Halloween treat. Tint it to look like candy corn, and it’s just boo-tiful!

To kick it up a notch and make it even more spooktacular, personalize the jars with a sassy saying. I used my Cricut® Explore Air™ 2 Special Edition, Martha Stewart Machine Bundle to jazz up the jars with some fun personalization. If you’ve been following my blog and have seen my “Mint to Be” Baby Shower or my “She’s a Succa for Him” Succulent Bridal Shower, then you know how obsessed I am with my Martha machine.

It can cut over 100 different materials at twice the speed of previous models, and the bundle (which is available exclusively at Michaels) includes twenty-five exclusive Martha Stewart images. This is in addition to the thousands of ready-made projects and images that are available in Cricut’s Design Space! There is so much fun to be had with this bundle!!!

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"Mint to Be" Baby Shower featuring Martha Stewart and Cricut

"Mint to Be" Baby Shower featuring Martha Stewart and Cricut

Do you know a mama-to-be that was meant to be a mommy?  Then you are going to love this "Mint to Be" Baby Shower theme!  I am so excited to share this party with you.  It's my latest collaboration with Cricut, Martha Stewart, and Michaels, and it's full of beautiful colors and easy ideas that you can recreate at home, which will make planning your baby shower a breeze!

When it comes to color combos, you just can't get much prettier than mint and blush!  The Mint and Blush Martha Stewart Collection has a gorgeous array of party goodies that are so soft and delicate...just adorable for a baby shower.  

You guys know I can't resist a good play on words, so the pretty shade of mint in these goodies created the perfect opportunity for me to get a little punny, thus the "Mint to Be" Shower Theme was born!

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DIY Tile Coasters with Cricut Permanent Vinyl

DIY Tile Coasters with Cricut Permanent Vinyl

Summer is in full swing, and I don't know about where y'all live, but here in Virginia it's been hot!  We've definitely been doing our share of summertime sippin' to keep cool, but you won't hear me complain about that.  ;)

In the spirit of sippin,' today's post is a super cute, summer-inspired project, which just so happens to be the perfect resting spot for your summer sips...DIY Tile Coasters.

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Succulent Bridal Shower featuring Cricut, Martha Stewart, and Michaels

Succulent Bridal Shower featuring Cricut, Martha Stewart, and Michaels

Hey guys!  If you caught my last blog post, then you know that an epic collaboration is going down between Cricut, Martha Stewart, and Michaels, and you know that I am one of the lucky gals who gets to work with them and create fun party inspiration for YOU as a result!

I have been having so much fun creating and styling with these goodies, and I'm super excited to share my latest project with you, a Succulent Bridal Shower

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A Celestial Graduation Party featuring Cricut, Martha Stewart, and Michaels

A Celestial Graduation Party featuring Cricut, Martha Stewart, and Michaels

Once upon a time, three fabulous, very well-known brands joined forces for a dynamic collaboration.  A girl (who isn't very well-known and works at home in her pajamas) was asked to be a part of it.  The girl, realizing what an unprecedented opportunity this was, fainted, came to, then excitedly got to work on the most fun partnership ever...kicking off the celebration with this Celestial Graduation Party!

You guys, I have been holding this secret in for months, and I'm SO EXCITED to finally spill the beans!

CRICUT, MARTHA STEWART, AND MICHAELS have all joined forces and have released an exclusive line of phenomenal products that are truly incredible...and I get to help them share it with you!

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Fun Ways to Use Cricut Iron-on Designs

Fun Ways to Use Cricut Iron-on Designs

Y'all.  Our family has grown, and we are in LOVE!!! 

Meet Banks, our daughter's new English lab puppy {and our newest obsession}!  She is sweet, fluffy, curvy, and so darn adorable!  (I mean, just look how she fills out that outfit...can you even handle it)?!!

And while we're talking about the it not the cutest?!!!  You guys, I made itin minutes, using the new Cricut Iron-on Designs!

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DIY Cinco de Mayo Shirt Using the NEW Patterned Iron-On from Cricut!

DIY Cinco de Mayo Shirt Using the NEW Patterned Iron-On from Cricut!

Bring on the chippin', dippin,' and margarita sippin' y'all!  Cinco de Mayo is on it's way, and I can't wait!  To celebrate the occasion, I created a fun little DIY Cinco de Mayo shirt, and it turned out so cute that I thought I'd share it with you.  :)

All of my loves collided for this project, and I am obsessed.  

What's got me so excited?  Well, I got to use my Cricut Maker and Cricut EasyPress, which always make me happy.  Then, I got to use the new Cricut EasyPress Mat, which is so convenient. But then, y'all...then...are you ready for this?  I got to use the newly released Cricut Patterned Iron-On!  They didn't release just any old patterns either, y'all.  They released adorable patterns...including my absolute FAVE...watercolor iron-on!!!!! 

This is a total game changer, you guys!  We can mix and match patterns to create one-of-a-kind designs!  I mean, just look at that cactus.  The pattern on the iron-on adds so much more to the design!!! 

The possibilities are endless, too.  You can make fun shirts like this.  You can use it on throw pillows in your home decor.  How about making Mom a fun tote for Mother's Day?  So darn exciting!!!

All in all, there are 9 sampler packs of patterned iron-on to choose from, each with three 12" x 17" sheets in three different designs, so there is something for everyone!  I already have a list of things I want to make, but for now, let me walk you through making this fun Cinco de Mayo shirt!  

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DIY Christmas Milk and Cookies Tray

DIY Christmas Milk and Cookies Tray

Santa isn't the only one who loves milk and cookies, ya know.  If ya ask me, milk and cookies should be served nightly throughout the Christmas season, and this fun DIY Christmas Milk and Cookies Tray helps you do just that!  

I scored this adorable, rustic tray at JoAnn a few months back, and have been holding onto it until I had the perfect use for it.  Well, when I was searching for something on Etsy last week, I came across this SVG file from Honeybee SVG and knew right away that it would be perfectfor the tray!

I pulled out my Cricut Maker, dug through my adhesive foil stash, and within 20 minutes, I had this tray whipped up!  

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Christmas Ornament Making Party with Cricut

Christmas Ornament Making Party with Cricut

It's time to deck the halls, y'all, and what better way to do it than with some of your best pals?

A Christmas Ornament Making Party is a great way to get together with some of your girls, get some quality time in before the holidays get crazy, and create some really cute ornaments for Christmas! 

So gather your friends, whip out your Cricut cutting machine and EasyPress, and follow along as I show you how to create some adorable DIY Christmas ornaments that you can create for your tree, or give as gifts!  

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One of My Favorite Neighbor Christmas Gift Ideas and a Chance to Win a Cricut Maker!

One of My Favorite Neighbor Christmas Gift Ideas and a Chance to Win a Cricut Maker!

Hey y'all!  Tis the season to start thinking Christmas {can you even believe it?!!}, and I'm about to make you the best neighbor on the block with one of my very favorite Neighbor Christmas Gift Ideas!

It's fast, it's easy, and it's something they'll actually use...happily.  :)

I mean, let's face it.  Is there anyone out there that doesn't need a little sip or two of an adult beverage to get through the holiday craziness?  If you happen to have a neighbor that might answer yes to that question, then fill this wine bottle gift wrap with sparkling cider instead (and send me that adult beverage)!  

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DIY Thanksgiving Place Setting with Cricut EasyPress

DIY Thanksgiving Place Setting with Cricut EasyPress

When you're hosting a meal, there's nothing more welcoming than a pretty table.

During one of my {far too many} visits to Target, I found these gorgeous flannel place mats and knew they needed to make their way into my cart!

I already had some pretty linen napkins that matched perfectly, and quickly decided that a DIY Thanksgiving Place Setting was gonna have to go down!

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A DIY Throw Blanket Using the Cricut Maker

A DIY Throw Blanket Using the Cricut Maker

When I was browsing through JoAnn the other day, I came across this plaid throw that was too pretty to pass up.  It's so soft!  

As I continued to mosey through the store, I found a gray polka-dotted flannel that looked so good with the blanket, so of course my wheels started spinning.

I am NOT a seamstress, so sewing anything together was completely out of the question.  BUT, I do know how to use Heat 'n Bond.  And I do happen to have a Cricut Maker that can precisely cut the fabric and bonding for me... that, my friends, is how this DIY Throw Blanket using the Cricut Maker was born...without having to sew a stitch!

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A Bat Halloween Party and a BIG Giveaway!!!

A Bat Halloween Party and a BIG Giveaway!!!

Hey guys!  How did you like all of that amazing Halloween inspiration in the blog hop yesterday?  Weren't those Trunk or Treat ideas so much fun?!!  If you missed it, you can catch up here.

Now, buckle up, because we're at it again today with yet another Halloween Blog Hop...

...and an incredible giveaway! 

I promise ya, you do not wanna miss this, so scroll down and let's get this party started!

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The Cricut Maker: Why you need one in your life!

The Cricut Maker: Why you need one in your life!

You guys!!!  The crafting world as we know it has just had a major breakthrough, and it's all because of the brand new Cricut Maker!

This revolutionary new machine has capabilities that are so cutting edge that they'll send your brain into a creative tailspin!

I'm kind of a Cricut newbie...I mean, I just got my first Cricut machine (the Explore Air 2) earlier this year, so why in the world would I want a new machine?

Well, I was lucky enough to be invited to Salt Lake City to attend the unveiling of the Maker, and after getting some hands-on time with the machine and learning all about it from it's creators, there was no doubt in my mind that this machine deserves a home in every craft room!

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A Watermelon First Birthday Party with Cricut

A Watermelon First Birthday Party with Cricut

One of the things I miss most about my kiddos being little is their birthday parties. There was something so magical about watching their little faces as they soaked in every detail of a celebration that was designed especially  for them!

Since those days are looooong gone, when Cricut contacted me to design a Watermelon First Birthday Party for them, I was all over it!  I have a Watercolor Watermelon Invitation in the shop that I've always wanted to create a party around, so this provided the perfect opportunity to check that off the list!

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